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VirtueMart 1.x. How to install Joomla, VirtueMart and template using VirtueMart bundle

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The following instructions will guide you through the whole installation process of your VirtueMart template. You’ll see how to install Joomla, VirtueMart and VirtueMart template using VirtueMart bundle.

Download the Bundle package (Joomla engine + VirtueMart component) from Always check the software required box before downloading.

Extract the Bundle Package to your hard drive and make all the steps locally.

Unzip the /theme/ folder from the /joomla/ directory of your template package and copy it to the /Bundle Package/templates/ folder.

Unzip all the modules from the /sources/ directory of your template package and copy them to /Bundle Package/modules/ folder, please note, each archive with the module must be unzipped to its separate folder.

Copy all the folders from the /sources/themes/ directory of your template to the root directory of the Bundle Package.

Now you can upload all the files to your server. Zip all the files in order to upload them faster.

Use your hosting control panel File Manager or any ftp client in order to upload the files.

Extract zip package on your server.

Now you are ready to start installation.

Type your website url in the browser address bar, and run the installation.

Make sure, you are using jos_ as the table prefix and Mysql as the database Type

Important! DO NOT install the sample data!

Rename/remove the /installation/ folder

Log in to your admin panel, go to Extensions/Template Manager and set your template as default.

Activate your template in the Virtuemart Component as well

Log in to your database Management Tool (phpMyadmin)

And import the dump.sql file from the sources folder. Please, note, that importing the SQL file to your database will overwrite your existing content and website settings, that is why we recommend to use new database for installation.

In order to display your template properly, please, check the documentation/template_instructions.html file from your template package and change the permissions on the folders specified in that document.

After permissions are changed, refresh your browser window.


Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

how to change Google Map location in WordPress

In case you might need a design for your Joomla based website, check out the collection of Joomla templates to choose the proper item.

This entry was posted in VirtueMart Tutorials and tagged archived_tutorial, bundle, ecommerce, install, template, VirtueMart. Bookmark the permalink.

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