
If you’re looking for an impressive template for your new Joomla photography site, you’re in luck! Our collection of Joomla Photography Templates is well-equipped with wonderful designs that promote elegance and cool style. Your photos will definitely shine and you’ll manage to attract new customers in just a few clicks! Each theme is 易于安装 and understand, allowing anyone to create a fantastic portfolio. 不要相信我们? 看看我们最好的设计吧!

Every professional or amateur photographer must be able to promote his/her work and be recognized by others. Finding the most impressive online theme is the first step to creating a wonderful online portfolio that will definitely work in your advantage!

我们所有的Joomla模板摄影是原创和独特的, allowing you to wow viewers from the very first few seconds they land on your page. 更, as modern templates, each theme supports 100% scalability and 动态效应. 帮助你在网络世界中起步, each layout is SEO ready and allows for complete customization and easy 配置.

We will be by your side with complete documentation and full 24/7 lifetime support to make sure you are completely satisfied with our products.

不要犹豫,浏览我们的收藏 艺术 & 文化Joomla主题 to fully understand the usefulness and beauty of dedicated Joomla 艺术ist Templates

选择最好的 Joomla模板摄影 to make sure your talent is well-represented in the online world and to attract new, 高质量的客户!


With the 个人作品集模板 you get the unique chance of creating a fabulous portfolio. 总体设计以优雅和简洁为基础, 突出你的作品,吸引人们注意重要的元素. The dynamic parallax effect is perfectly combined with other modern features like responsive design and ready-to-go SEO.


我发现“模板怪物”是一个很好的网站模板资源. 各种模板的质量非常高. 我还联系了客服服务台,询问了一些问题, 我对这里的服务印象最深. 很好.

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Jacob Joomla Template

一个惊人的模板,结合了大的美, 令人印象深刻的摄影和风景优美的城市图像! If you want to impress your viewers and possible clients, this template is just perfect! The design is simple and elegant, promoting your images from the very first moment. Jacob Joomla模板是动态的,提供了一个华丽的在线体验!



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The 照片组合模板 was created for those talented photographers who want to proudly display their work. 更, 这种现代和响应式的设计肯定会吸引潜在的客户, 让你发展和成长. The parallax effect and the inner pages that allow filters and animated effects are perfect to impress and convince!




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这个模板是完美的初学者和专业摄影师. 由于其动态布局具有视差效果和背景视频, 设计突出你的工作,创造一个美丽, 独特的经验. 专业摄影师Joomla模板是多功能和灵活的, 允许您完全个性化您的网站.

claudi c.



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摄影总监Joomla Template

摄影指导模板是一个真正的艺术作品! 用大滑块来展示你最好的作品和一个简单的, 令人印象深刻的设计, 这个主题是你的投资组合的最佳选择. 布局是完全响应和使用圆圈来创建一个独特的风格. The back panel is easy to understand and use, allowing you to customize with extreme ease.

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如果你喜欢大自然和令人惊叹的风景, the 摄影师作品集响应Joomla模板 is the best choice to display your work. The design is 100% responsive and implements a series of filters and animation effects that enhance the beauty of your page. People will be impressed by the elegance of your template and the dynamism of your page.

Eranga L.


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Mike Smone Joomla模板

你可以给你的潜在客户留下深刻的印象, high-quality images on the background which creates a wonderful sensation of depth. People will be impressed by the dynamic parallax effect and the gorgeous overall design. 主题很容易浏览,并允许伟大的定制.

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这是一个模板,将抓住你的观众的注意力! 有一个巨大的主滑块,吸引用户的感官, 一个响应式的, 现代设计, 这种布局将对您的照片组合有很大的帮助. 主题是非常容易使用,并允许完全自定义.



几分钟就安装好了. 文档对我帮助很大.

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Freddie Joomla模板

具有完全响应式设计, the Freddy Joomla Template uses a large slider to attract your viewers’ attention. The inner pages follow a grid-style layout that puts your work under the spotlight. The blue on the background suggests happiness and optimism uplifting the atmosphere.



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A simple and friendly format designed to help both amateur and professional photographers to display their work. The light theme uses lots of open space and a large slider to create an optimistic browsing atmosphere. 模板是SEO准备,并允许100%的可扩展性和定制.

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这个主题使用优雅的颜色来创建一个专业的页面. The design promotes a professional contrast of colors that attracts the eye and makes the user curious for more. 现代特色, 动态效应, and stylish design create an attractive layout for professional photographers.

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Photo Studio Template uses deep, powerful colors to immerse the viewer in an elegant atmosphere. Your pictures will be displayed in style using a grid structure that combines image and text in a unique and engaging way. 该模板是100%响应,并支持现代功能.

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增进友谊, 浪漫的气氛, this Photography Studio Template uses a design that makes you think about Instagram and the pleasure of sharing beautiful moments. The theme is equipped with large sliders that are capable of displaying high-quality images. 一个完全响应的主题表明你是开放的新的可能性.



这个Joomla主题的摄影值得你关注. Its fully responsive layout allows users browsing the future site on a ny modern gadget of choice. The template is search engines friendly which means that potential clientele will find your project online easily.

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Showcase your photos at best by means of this professionally designed Joomla theme. It is fitted with a testimonials section where you can add positive feedback from thankful clients. The blog page will be helpful for publishing the latest news and interesting articles connected with a design and a photography.


这是我三年来买的第一个模板. 模板的质量至少和以前一样. 当我打开文件时,我几乎从椅子上摔了下来. 很完美!

有了这样的文档,安装就轻而易举了. 特别是使用dump导入所有设置的可能性.SQL为我节省了数小时的工作.

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We will install the multilanguage package within your Joomla template with all required languages.
3) Installation of multilanguage plugin with user-friendly admin-panel for translation (without duplicating articles, 菜单, 类别, 设置等).


  1. 最好的 举办 用于WordPress网站. 点击我们的链接,获得市场上最优惠的价格,82%的折扣. 如果HostPapa没有给你留下深刻的印象,看看其他 选择.
  2. 网站安装服务 -让您的模板启动和运行在短短6小时内没有麻烦. 没有一分钟是浪费的,工作正在进行.
  3. 一个会员 -下载无限数量的WordPress主题, 插件, PPT等产品在一个许可范围内. 因为越大越好.
  4. 现成的网站服务 最终的解决方案是否包含完整的模板安装 & 配置, 内容集成, 实现必备插件, 安全功能和扩展的页面SEO优化. 开发团队将为您完成所有工作.
  5. 必备的WordPress插件 -获得最重要的插件为您的网站在一个捆绑包. 所有插件将被安装、激活并检查是否正常运行. 
  6. 最好的库存图片的网站 -创造惊人的视觉效果. 你可以访问Depositphotos.Com选择15张无限制主题和大小选择的图片.
  7. SSL证书创建服务 -获得网站访问者的绝对信任. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable http protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. 网站速度优化服务 -增加您的网站的用户体验,并获得更好的谷歌PageSpeed得分.


玛丽亚是个很棒的文案,人也很好. 她喜欢写关于网页设计和模板解决方案的文章. 除此之外,她还是一个混合健身爱好者和一个充满激情的艺术家. LinkedIn


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